WWF Call for Polar Bear to be Added to the Endangered Species List

America’s constant and reckless sourcing of oil and gas at any cost has come under criticism again from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Arctic Polar bears were supposed to be added to the endangered species list on January 9th 2008, but as of yet they have not made the list. The reasoning behind this decision is unclear, with the melting Polar ice caps offering the bears less land to live and hunt on, the species could be extinct within the next 50 years.

Serious questions are now being raised as to why they haven’t been added. With sales of oil and gas in the Chukchi Sea, as well as the foreseeable energy mining in the Arctic region, it seems the U.S are stalling on adding any more species to the endangered list. Whilst work is under way to capitalise on the limited fossil fuels, currently on the Interior Department’s Endangered Species act is the lowest number of species of animal – ever!

Interestingly, 10 years ago it was then Senator Dirk Kempthorne who led the way in the reform of the Endangered Species act. It was he who announced that scientific data, and not bureaucracy, would be key in all decisions, and that the speed of the process was vital in saving animals from extinction. Fast forward 10 years, and who seems to be holding up the decision making process – the now Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne!

Arctic Polar Bears ARE in danger, and the sooner the U.S Government are pushed into admitting this travesty the better. The World Wildlife Fund have set up an adopt a Polar Bear scheme, where a donation of as little as £2.50 a month will help the continued support of the Polar Bears blighted cause. With the Arctic region continuing to warm at twice the rate of the rest of the world, the time to act is now.