WWF Adopt an Animal Christmas Charity Gift

The WWF is one of the world’s best known animal charities, helping to protect dangered species. They also work as an environmental charity to help protect habitat such as endangered rain forests. You can help the WWF with a Charity Gift this Christmas for a loved one. we asked the WWF to tell us a bit more about how you can help and where the donations you make will be spent.

How are donations via charity gifts spent by the charity?
Charity donations are spent funding our wide range of conservations and environmental projects across the world, from protecting endangered species and their habitats – such as the Panda and Orang-utan to our work to tackle climate change and our campaigns to lobby governments eg. to cut carbon emissions.  We also use them to fund the administration of these projects.

What percentage of the money goes directly to the cause e.g. no admin costs etc?
We are proud to say that WWF spends 66% of our income on conservation, education and public awareness and 7% on direct support for this work – supporting and training our other offices worldwide working directly on our conservation programmes. A further 26% of our income is spent on fundraising and for every pound we spend on this; nearly £4 is generated for our valuable conservation work. We also spend less than 1% of our income on management and administration.