Vote Global This Election With World Vision UK

World Vision UK is calling on all political parties to ensure that extreme poverty remains a priority on their agenda as they canvas for votes with the election just around the corner. World Vision is asking their supporters to use this opportunity to help persuade your local parliamentary candidates that child health is an issue that the UK public cares deeply about.

The last general election was 5 years ago, and since then people have written to MP’s to speak against injustice, and asked the government to take action towards ending global poverty. Nearly 9million children die ever year across the globe before their 5th birthday, with many of the deaths caused by completely preventable causes such as pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria.

World Vision is joining with a coalition of other charities to ensure that international development and extreme poverty remain a priority for all political parties. When talking about a wide range of domestic issues, it is important that local candidates understand that there is much to do across the world and this must not be forgotten. World Vision are asking you to use the help persuade your local candidates and their parties that child health is an issue across the globe, not just in the UK.

The bigger fight must continue…