Oxfam’s Multicoloured Swap Shop

Grab your Noel Edmond’s jumper, glue on a little beard, and help Oxfam fight poverty with their novel party idea!

We all have loads of clothes we don’t wear, or need, collecting dust in closets and drawers around the house. Those snow wash jeans are never coming back into fashion, and that whole pirate look was never going to last (unless you actually WERE a pirate). But maybe some of your friends have had an eye on some of your fashion disasters with a look of wonder and awe. One man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure (again with the pirate theme!), so why not have your own fashion show and host an Oxfam ‘Swap It Party’ on 25th April?

Get your mates together with all your unused clothing, CD’s, books, and anything else that might be of good ‘swappable’ value, and see what gems you can unearth. So whilst your friends fight over your Bon Jovi collection, you will be gathering a plethora of charity donations. Whatever you have in surplus can be taken to an Oxfam shop, then in turn sold on for a profit which will help fund their fight to overcome poverty and suffering around the world.