Help Clean the Cloud with Greenpeace

Greenpeace UK is asking for your help in asking the tech industry to quit their coal habit. Led by a few very large companies, including Apple, Amazon and Microsoft, their ‘cloud’ technology is powered by climate destroying coal. These giant data centres mayvbe the latest thing to store all your information, but it’s also the fastest growing source of electricity demand in the world.

You can help get the internet off coal by signing the Greenpeace petition. The coal power plants that power these giant data centres are one of the world’s top sources of airborne carcinogens and greenhouse gases. If Microsoft, Amazon and Apple want to live up to their claims to be some of the world’s most cutting edge companies, they need to stop poisoning the air.

Greenpeace has already started work with multi media giants Facebook to switch to clean energy sources like the sun and the wind, and are now ready to work alongside these other major companies to make the change.

You can help Greenpeace get the attention of these massive companies by being one of 100,000 people to write a message in the next 48 hours. All you need to do is click on the link below and fill in the form to the CEO’s of Microsoft, Amazon and Apple, asking them to clean up the cloud. I just did it myself and it takes less than 20 seconds.

Together, we can help make data centres powered by dirty coal a thing of the past.