Help Christian Aid Drop the Haiti Debt

Christian Aid UK is calling for the full cancellation of Haiti’s debt in response to the devastating earthquake which has affected thousands of people. Haiti needs long term support along with emergency financial assistance due to the worst disaster in its history, and with a current debt of $890m, they will need no strings attached loans to help rebuild.

Haiti has made huge payments on servicing its foreign debt over the last 200 years, yet with $890m still owed mostly to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Inter-America Development Bank, this latest disaster will stop Haiti ever having a chance of getting back on it’s feet. The World Bank has announcement plans to waive repayments for five years, but to be given a fighting chance Haiti needs the Bank and the IMF to cancel its debts in full.

You can help the people of Haiti by sign the online petition below, calling for chancellor of the exchequer Alistair Darling to use his influence as the UK’s representative to the IMF and help cancel Haiti’s debt.