Crazy Wedding Hat Auctioned on Ebay for UNICEF UK

The royal wedding certainly caused a stir this year, and the two real stars of the show were not Wills and Kate, but Pippa Middleton and Princess Beatrice’s hat! Designed by milliner to the rich and famous, Phillip Treacy, this zany creation caused almost as big a stir as the Royal kiss on the balcony.

Being the good sport that she is, Princess Beatrice has decided to auction her royal wedding hat on bay, with the money being raised split between the UNICEF charity and Children in Crisis to help with their ongoing work with children both home and abroad.

Princess Beatrice said –

I’ve been amazed by the amount of attention that hat has attracted. It’s a wonderful opportunity to raise as much money as possible for two fantastic charities. I hope whoever wins the auction has as much fun with the hat as I have.

Philip Treacy’s creations have seen the runway for such fashion luminaries as Givenchy, Chanel and Valentino, and created the hats for the Harry Potter series of films. Another interesting fact is that I used to play football against his brother Paul, but I guess that is only interesting to me!

Director of Fundraising at UNICEF UK, Julie Weston, said –

We are thrilled that Princess Beatrice is putting all the publicity around her hat to the best possible use, raising money for the world’s most vulnerable children. We take our hat off to her for helping to change children’s lives.

The auction can be found at, and will finish on Sunday 22nd May 2011. The hat currently has 60 bids, with the current asking price at £18,400, although the postage is free! Not sure I’m be making a late move on that item, though it’s a fantastic idea to use one of the royal wedding talking points to help two of the UK’s leading childrens charities. Well done Princess Bea, but it’s got me thinking…

I wonder how much Pippa Middleton would go for on ebay?!