Celebrate Universal Children’s Day With Concern Worldwide

Today is Universal Children’s Day and Concern Worldwide is joining in the celebrations for a special day that is dedicated to the promotion of all children’s welfare globally. Childhood is a very important and special time in all of our lives, it’s a time when we play, learn, explore and most importantly, we are supposed to have fun. Unfortunately, there are millions of children who live in abject poverty that simply don’t have the chance to simply be children. These kids suffer from hunger daily and this can have a devastating long term impact on the health and well being of children.

Families too poor to send their kids to school

Thousands of families are too poor to send their children to school and instead these children have to remain at home where they are needed to help grow the food that sustains them. Instead of playing and learning, these children have to spend their time getting water miles away from their home.

Concern works with the poorest

Concern Worldwide works with some of the poorest children in the world to help them try and live a life that is free of poverty and hunger. The organisation provides the knowledge, training and tools that will enable families to support themselves sustainably, which in turn protects these children’s welfare.

How you can help

You could help by purchasing the Concern Gift of a Donkey for someone you love and make the critical difference to a child who has to live in poverty. A donkey can help make life easier for children by carrying food and water over long distances and terrain that is often harsh. Donkeys can also be harnessed with a plough which can be used to plant seeds for harvest, which most importantly generates income. This then frees up the children to go to school. So help Concern make a real difference and buy a Concern Gift today.