Buy Charity Raffle Tickets Online from Rogavi

Rogavi is new website that offers you the chance to win big, big prizes whilst helping charities. We spoke to Richard McBriar of Rogavi to find out more.

1.  Rogavi is a great idea for online charity raffles – how did it get started?
Over a couple of pints of Guinness two good friends one Swedish, one Irish, thought that raffling prizes for charity online would be an attractive proposition for charity supporters and prize hunters alike.We liked raffles, makes sense. They are inclusive to many charity supporters and it gives even the smallest donor a chance to win a big prize.

The internet was at a stage where we could see the potential to build a giving community based on literally a win–win philosophy. Donors like the concept to give with the chance to win something in return. Our values are honesty, transparency and real value in a fun and trustworthy environment.

The odds are fantastic compared to big lotteries. Each prize raffle is drawn by date or by target.

2. What does the name mean?
Only one person has ever got this in one and she was a Latin teacher! Rogavi comes from the Latin verb Rogo, to ask or invite and means I asked or I invited.

3. What charities do you work closely with?
We have started with 20 charities large and small. The beauty about the internet is it’s a great leveller. Small charities can compete with the biggest. On Rogavi supporters can upload prizes for fundraising and corporates can sponsor prizes. We already have local charities being supported by local companies and some great user donated prizes.

Charities can now sign-up for free and get going in minutes.

4. What’s the biggest prize that’s ever been donated?
In terms of value it’s got to be the vintage mini that used to belong to Bernie Ecclestone. It’s one of only three in existence and will make the winner extremely happy!

In terms of size it’s got to be the Women’s Institute prize, sponsored by Stoves and 88 Diamonds it’s an 8 ring “diamond encrusted” oven!! This has already been won and delivered.

5. What’s the weirdest prize that’s ever been donated?
That’s got to be the Save the Rhinos prize, … a Bronze Statue of a Vogon! For fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams … for them resistance is useless!! Douglas Adams was a great supporter of Save The Rhino.

We have just completed a raffle of two wonderful hand stitched quilts for the Children’s Society. We thought they were pretty cool and a real example of how prizes work online.

6. What would be your dream prize to give away?
Rogavi is about having many different prizes big and small, each of which could be a dream for the user.

5. Any other comments?
Have a go, its fun and you might be lucky!

We’d like to thank Richard for taking the time to speak to us. Rogavi really is a great way to help charities for a small fee, whilst giving you a chance to win a fantastic prize – it really is a win – win situation!

>> Click Here to Help Charities Today with a Raffle Ticket from Rogavi from Just £2.50