Action Aid’s Child Poverty Day

Action Aid’s Child Poverty Day this year is on Friday 17 October, and are asking people help raise money and awareness by holding a Big School Dinner event.

As a nation we spend millions on sandwiches and fast food every day for lunch. On Friday 17th October why not encourage your colleagues to bring their own packed lunch then ask everyone to donate the money they normally spend to ActionAid?

Every day more than 16,000 children die from hunger, that’s one child every five seconds.

Just £5 will provide breakfast for a child in Malawi every day for a year, whilst just 50p a day will help a whole community access the clean water. So why not put a little fun into your lunchtime with ActionAid’s Big School Dinner, you’ll be amazed the difference your ‘dinner money’ will make. Click here for a registration form.