Help Support the Children of Pakistan with UNICEF UK

UNICEF UK is appealing for help in their quest to assist up to 10 million children who have been affected by the devastating floods that have hit Pakistan. UNICEF health workers are currently working tirelessly on the front line to help treat and assist those most affected by the recent natural disaster that has taken thousands of lives and spread a number of life threatening diseases.

The UNICEF childrens charity is appealing for £90 million to help support the immediate requirements of the most severely affected women and children in the flood ravaged land of Pakistan. Every day thousands of children are becoming more vulnerable to disease unless drastic action is taken. Vital supplies, such as food, water and medicine must be provided to help prevent the fatal diseases such as diarrhoea, which is currently taking a huge amount of lives in the poverty stricken area.

The children who were saved from drowning are now facing an even bigger struggle to survive the the ongoing impact of this terrible disaster. UNICEF endeavour to try and meet every child’s needs and build towards a better future, but require your held to do so.