WWF UK Concern That Climate Talks Could Stutter

WWF UK is warning that a lack of nerve amongst global leaders could have a devastating effects on both people and nature if a strong climate deal in not agreed upon in Copenhagen. The WWF is calling on world leaders to start showing the will to achieve a strong deal and focus on the current climate change crisis.

Head of Climate Change at WWF-UK, Keith Allott, said –

Stories currently being talked up in the media and diplomatic manoeuvres behind the scenes reflect attempts by industrialized countries to lower expectations for Copenhagen. They are currently dodging hard decisions on slashing their emissions and providing funding for the transition to a low carbon economy.

The world is looking for leadership, but instead the leaders are starting to hand out their excuses in advance. This is especially worrying , because next week, the EU must agree its position on reduction targets and financial support, which will carry through to Copenhagen. Yesterday’s Environment Council meeting took some steps forward, but on Tuesday Finance Leaders failed to agree any funding for developing countries. That means Heads of State must make a firm financial commitment next week, or the EU will come to Copenhagen empty-handed.

With the final meeting before Copenhagen taking place next week in Barcalona, WWF is concerned that diplomatic rumours are abound that a binding legal agreement will not be signed in Copenhagen. This is particularly worrying as unless a legitimate contract is entered, the chances of a climate catastrophe will increase dramatically. The contract should feature major emission reduction targets for all countries across the globe alongside major support for all developing countries. Only through this course of action can the climate change issue realistically be tackled.