World Fair Trade Day – 14-05-11

World Trade Day kicks off tomorrow, Saturday 14th May 2011, and with a third of the world’s population living on less than $2 a day, now is the time to take action with Concern Worldwide. Every year the World Fair Trade Day aims to enable people to improve their lives by making sure they’re paid a fair price for their labour, something that much of the time doesn’t happen.

With almost a third of their budget spent on livelihood programs in the world’s poorest countries, Concern Worldwide aim to reduce absolute poverty, and ultimately eliminate it.

By enabling poor people to –

  • produce more food
  • secure access to a reliable food supply
  • reduce their vulnerability to droughts
  • improve their access to water

there is a strong chance that those participating in the programs can break free from the cycle of poverty. By also ensuring better access to tools, seeds, knowledge, and training, people can learn to become more self sufficient and produce more food through more productive agriculture and livestock rearing.

You can support this livelihood program by purchasing a charity gift from the great selection of virtual presents available from Concern Worldwide. Without your help, none of this would be possible.